Here is Emma at our arrival at the hotel.....with a lei and slippa's.....feeling like a kama-ai'na!

Sunset in Hawaii...taken our last night.....beautiful!

Emma loved it too....spend most of her time in the water and playing at the beach. But take a look at this picture....checking out from the hotel....she was ready to go back to California....I think it was too hot for her in Hawaii!

I was very "gifted" this birthday, mostly books....great knitting books. And a bicycle with a chair for this weekend we'll buy some helmets for a our future bike rides. I'll post a picture of my bike one of these days!

Socks for my sock pal are in good progress....turning out to become some cute footlets! It seems to work fine for me to knit on both socks at the same time.
And I did finish some projects on my vacation.....mostly sock partners...perfect knitting for the beach, flight and for watching Winter OL.
Photos are coming up.
I'm back.....wonderful to be home again.....and being able to read your knitting blogs again!
4 kommentarer:
Øøøøøh, din fødselsdagsgave ligger stadig her i Odense :-/
Jeg vil prøve at finde posthuset en dag i næste uge!
Flotte billeder og lækre gaver.
Knus Britta
Jeg synes din blogg er flott och liker den riktigt meget. Har nu linket til den fra min egen og håber at det er okey. Jeg hved ikke hvis du förstår min dårlige dansk, måske skulle jeg skrive på svensk istedet?
Velkommen hjem, og tillykke med de 40!!
Det ser ud som om, i har haft en skøn tur, min fødselsdagsgave-tur gik til Malmø, ikke helt samme kaliber som Hawaii ;-))
K.h Anne
Hej Malle
Jeg har heller ikke fået ønsket dig tillykke med de 4x10, men det er hermed gjort:-)))
Sikke dog en herlig ferie I har haft, dejligt at læse om. Og så er jeres lille Emma bare en rigtig lille nuser.
Kh Kirsten, Sønderborg
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