We had a very relaxing and "light" Thanksgiving.........followed by two days of shopping........just as other people living here in the US did :-)
Today we went to IKEA; a 80miles drive from our home......but red cabbage and cherry sauce weren't available :-(......and thanks for the tip Ulla about NordicHouse.com; a store I know very well but Solvang "a Danish Village" is just an hour's drive away ....and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get my Danish grocery there!
Kirsten; her i USA sælger IKEA butikkerne også lidt madvarer.....især svenske: knækbrød, forskellige marmelader, silk, kager, marineret sild og gravad laks plus mere. Det er jo meget rart for os skandinaver, der til tider kan få længsel efter en god sild!
Kirsten; IKEA in the US includes a Deli where lots of Swedish goodies are sold such as; crisp bread, jams, candy, cake, herrings and salmon.....and so. And as a Scandinavian person living in the US; it's great to know/ have when you have cravings for tasteful herrings.

Jeg har været flittig med strikkepindene, fik min Hayden Hat nr. 2 færdig, der denne gang er strikket i Lamb's Pride Worsted, super kvalitet til dette formål....Igen tusinde Tak til Laura for dette dejlige mønster!. Det røde sjal (strikket i en blanding af uld og mohair bortset fra flæsekanten, der er 100% polyester) blev også færdigt med en lille flæse kant.
I'm been busy knitting.....finished my Hayden Hat #2, this time made in Lamb's Pride Worsted; a great choice for this hat....Thanks again Laura for this great pattern!. The red shawl (a mix of mohair and wool, although the ruffle is 100% acrylic) was also finished; again a ruffle was added.
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